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    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 10, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 10, 2020

    NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 10, 2020

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! ({{date %B %d, %Y}})

    Welcome to the Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT thread. A new thread will be made every day at midnight NST. Please refrain from posting individual threads and use this thread for your trading purposes!


    Remember that you can use Ctrl + F to help you find items you might be interested in! Please use the following specific formats to make it easier for people searching for either NC or NP items.

    Format - NP

    Please use this format when buying or selling items:




    item - price (or link to your shop/trades/auctions)

    Format - NC


    item(s) or link to wishlist


    item(s) or link to trade list

    Neocash Trading

    Please keep in mind that you can ONLY trade Neocash items for other Neocash items and cannot buy them with neopoints.

    To trade an NC item you need a gift box that you receive when redeeming NC cards, opening Gift Box Capsules or other events. To read more about trading Neocash items check out the Jellyneo guide.

    If you're trading NC items, here are a couple guides to help you out with values and avoid being scammed: ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR WHEN THESE WERE LAST UPDATED AS THEY MAY BE OUTDATED.

    Neocash Guide Respitory:


    Most Recently Updated Value Guides:


    /~Valentine - Text Version

    /~Sovenn - Popular Wearables

    /~Grreggory - Popular Wearables Text Version

    /~Priscilla - Community Value Check

    Specialist Value Guides:

    /~Nidyra - Non-Wearables (Outdated)

    /~Juingo - Neohome (Outdated)

    List last updated Jun 22nd, 2020


    This also is the place to post all your pets that you are seeking new homes for, whether you're trading or adopting out.

    Please post the pet or pets you currently have up for adoption, that you are zapping to adopt out, or that you wish to trade.

    You do not have to post the name of the pet or the name of your account if you do not wish, but remember to check your reddit PMs if this is the only means of communication you are allowing!

    Please update or edit your comments once you have found a new home for your pets.

    If you want a pet, or are trying to adopt a pet out but want to give redditors first dibs, the /r/neopets Dream Pet List may be of some use!


    1. DO NOT mention /r/neopets or reddit on Neopets in any way.
    2. Be excellent to each other, as always.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Food Club Bets - November 12, 2020

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    A thread for people to casually post their bets, discuss, ask questions, etc.

    Food Club Resources

    Using Tables

    /u/diceroll123 speaking! I've made a simple userscript to turn your current bets into a formatted reddit table!

    If you have Chrome: get Tampermonkey to use it! Greasemonkey for Firefox, and I'm unsure about other browsers.

    Link for the userscript here: https://gist.github.com/diceroll123/04fb835539530038795e (Press the "Raw" button and it should ask you to add it to your collection of userscripts.)

    You'll see a button under your current bets table, click that and copy/paste here.

    shameless plug We've got a big fancy Food Club system in our Discord server, come check it out!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    That feeling when you spend 30 minutes trying to send a neomail because you said the word "skill" and that contains "kill", which is blocked by the neofilters.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Oh, I see. xD

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Finally made a baby pet and customized the heck out of her.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    I finally won something big on it.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Finally got something decent from the Mysterious Negg Cave!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Cosmic Dome was good to me today.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:52 AM PST

    The Chamber of Secrets has been opened! (Thank you, Fountain Fairy!)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:40 PM PST

    PC chat made me pee myself yesterday. after verifying nothing sketch was going on, i finally feel okay to celebrate!!!! i got my very first UC, FROM THE POUND????? shoutout to the UC santa who posted all the stuck UCs in the pound ��������

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Battledome reminder for all non premium members & TRANSMOGRIFCATION potion hunters

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:22 AM PST

    Fighting S750 Kreludan Defender Robot 14 hp

    Which can give you Blue Neocola Token Green Neocola Token Red Neocola Token

    Which can be sold for 700-900 But if used at http://www.neopets.com/moon/neocola.phtml you have chance at Transmogrification potions Most of which are worth 250k-500k BUT several potions are over a million and the Draik Transmogrification Potion was last sold at 12million. SO if you like gambling... The odds may not be great but one of us has will win. And yes I am also doing this. I would welcome cheaper tokens if you are going to sell them :P

    Also you can get code stones 2k-9k and red codestones that can sell for 10k-40k



    __________________________________Equipment Basic Set Up________________________________________

    The Scarab Ring plus Parasol of Unfortunate Demise and ability Static Cling and a +15 healing item of your choice allow level 4-6 pets kill him well and block most of his damage. Need around 12 str, 12 defense, and 11-15 health. This whole set up should only cost you about 3k-4k. Scarab Ring is about 700-900 Pararol is about 1k-1.2k Static cling should be free and healing item shouldn't cost more than 2k.

    To level up your lower level pets visit http://www.neopets.com/pirates/academy.phtml It will pay for itself trust me!

    Pet died/lost visit http://www.neopets.com/faerieland/springs.phtml for some free healing every half hour!

    submitted by /u/LesdoleagueYT
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    I found my Magma Pool time!! I'm now the proud owner of a Magma Kougra!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:47 PM PST

    finally got my dream childhood neopet! now just to treat her like the angel she is! thank u to the sweet person who got me the potion i needed<3! im forever grateful to u haha

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:19 AM PST

    my first UB prize ever from anything! now to spend the rest of the day debating whether or not to read it to my pets

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    TFW you're all dressed for bedtime, but you're ready for play time.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Why is the scared looking Bori so cute? Lol.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I'm just in love with my new Usul custom

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:35 PM PST

    16 year old account unfrozen!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I am so happy! About a year ago my account from when I was 5 years old was frozen for, as far as I could tell, no reason (compromised maybe?). My support ticket was never addressed until a day or so ago I asked on their Facebook page. After doing that I got a response within a day! They asked a few questions to verify my identity and my account was unfrozen within the hour! If the unthinkable happens to your account there is hope!! I had already accepted that I would never see my pets again. Thank you so much to whoever it was on a 5 year old thread on the sub who recommended pestering TNT on Facebook. Sorry for rambling I'm just so happy and wanted to share with the void! Much love to you all :)

    submitted by /u/PokeZelda64
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    Best Coltzan prize yet!!!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:32 AM PST

    my first painted neopet! thanks to YOU!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    my first painted neopet! thanks to YOU!

    hi! this is my first time posting on this site lol, but i just wanted to show my brand new strawberry wocky! i played neopets back in the day, and i didn't even know there was a community. now thanks to y'all i found out about stuck pets and managed to give a home to this guy who had an INCREDIBLE name! (he's literally named MonteBerry wtf!!!!) so thank you for making me so happy in these really awful times!! (im not great at customizing lol but i tried he kinda looks like a farmer right?)


    submitted by /u/soffiwh
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    People who came back to old accounts, what was the most "wtf I have this item" moment for you?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:28 AM PST

    My account is now 13yo, I had been on a serie of hiatus by these years and clearly remember that I got the whole lab map back in 2012/2013, but I have no idea how the hell I did it, at the time it cost was around 1mi, I don't want to believe that I played games to get all this money, I even had 2mi on bank wtf, never heard about food club before 2020, and never tried stock market (both my main np maker now), my only conclusion is that I was a sociopath as a kid...

    Soo, do you guys ever experienced something similar? How was it?

    submitted by /u/Milky_Butt89
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    Origins of the Lost Desert Sphinx: Keep or Sell?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    I'm not a book collector and I don't have a book pet. Would there be any other reason to keep it? I'm not entirely sure as I'm not too knowledgeable about books.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/A_Filthy_Subhuman
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    I nearly had a heart attack seeing this Draik in the pound knowing my friend would love him --- and they immediately happened upon a cute chocolate one like I've been wanting! We traded so they're now in loving homes ��

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Just discovered that "Headless Cape" is a thing and was able to make my favorite custom I've ever made

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Seriously? Well, there goes my savings! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:09 AM PST

    My Darigan Gnorb! She's actually really sweet, she just looks kind of mean and can't help it ;-;

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:02 PM PST

    I've been on a roll with customization lately. Here's a Jojo inspired Hissi custom lol

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:26 PM PST

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