• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (March 27, 2020)

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (March 27, 2020)

    NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (March 27, 2020)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (March 27, 2020)

    Welcome to the Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT thread. A new thread will be made every day at midnight NST. Please refrain from posting individual threads and use this thread for your trading purposes!


    Remember that you can use Ctrl + F to help you find items you might be interested in! Please use the following specific formats to make it easier for people searching for either NC or NP items.

    Format - NP

    Please use this format when buying or selling items:




    item - price (or link to your shop/trades/auctions)

    Format - NC


    item(s) or link to wishlist


    item(s) or link to trade list

    Neocash Trading

    Please keep in mind that you can ONLY trade Neocash items for other Neocash items and cannot buy them with neopoints.

    To trade an NC item you need a gift box that you receive when redeeming NC cards, opening Gift Box Capsules or other events. To read more about trading Neocash items check out the Jellyneo guide.

    If you're trading NC items, here are a couple guides to help you out with values and avoid being scammed: ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR WHEN THESE WERE LAST UPDATED AS THEY MAY BE OUTDATED.

    Neocash Guide Respitory:


    Most Recently Updated Value Guides:


    /~Valentine - Text Version

    /~Sovenn - Popular Wearables

    /~Grreggory - Popular Wearables Text Version

    /~Priscilla - Community Value Check

    Specialist Value Guides:

    /~Nidyra - Non-Wearables (Outdated)

    /~Juingo - Neohome (Outdated)

    List last updated Jan 16th, 2020


    This also is the place to post all your pets that you are seeking new homes for, whether you're trading or adopting out.

    Please post the pet or pets you currently have up for adoption, that you are zapping to adopt out, or that you wish to trade.

    You do not have to post the name of the pet or the name of your account if you do not wish, but remember to check your reddit PMs if this is the only means of communication you are allowing!

    Please update or edit your comments once you have found a new home for your pets.

    If you want a pet, or are trying to adopt a pet out but want to give redditors first dibs, the /r/neopets Dream Pet List may be of some use!


    1. DO NOT mention /r/neopets or reddit on Neopets in any way.
    2. Be excellent to each other, as always.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    Food Club Bets (March 28, 2020)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    A thread for people to casually post their bets, discuss, ask questions, etc.

    Food Club Resources

    Using Tables

    /u/diceroll123 speaking! I've made a simple userscript to turn your current bets into a formatted reddit table!

    If you have Chrome: get Tampermonkey to use it! Greasemonkey for Firefox, and I'm unsure about other browsers.

    Link for the userscript here: https://gist.github.com/diceroll123/04fb835539530038795e (Press the "Raw" button and it should ask you to add it to your collection of userscripts.)

    You'll see a button under your current bets table, click that and copy/paste here.

    shameless plug We've got a big fancy Food Club system in our Discord server, come check it out!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    Made my own alien aisha plushie today and I love her

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    my psychedelic candy kougra!!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Wow people are really inflating the price of hand sanitizer these days

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Turmaculus: Don't wake up me or my son ever again

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I have the cutest worm in Neopia. Prove me wrong!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    First time I've topped any high score table literally ever, lol

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Omg the lab ray came through!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    What's going on at the Money Tree?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    "will u be my valentin" (I just stumbled across this customization I made five years ago which might be my favourite I've ever done)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    behold, my (fire queen) Magma Cybunny! (suggestions welcome)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    After over a decade of playing, I finally finished the altador plot!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I'd like to thank my mom, the quarantine and the janitor, I'd never be able to do this without them. *pops champagne*

    submitted by /u/holaspaceboy
    [link] [comments]

    Peaownie and her all NP customization

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    How many sticky snowballs do you have?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I am currently at 673. I have a nice stock pile of other "rare" items from the battledome and dailies, but I keep grinding snowballs for the Charity Corner. Is anyone else stockpiling any other items?

    submitted by /u/Slapchop21
    [link] [comments]

    Real Talk - Do you think TNT will get the HTML5 update done before December?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I enjoy Neopets because it is a nostalgic relic of Web 1.0 but this will also prove its downfall. The main draws for new players, the games and the NC Mall, still rely on Flash. We've know that Flash was vulnerable since 2010 and we've know it was being deprecated since 2017. You would think that they would have replaced some of the smaller Flash aspects, like the Map and the areas, with HTML5, which allows image maps. But no!

    Here's my theory: Neopets has changed management several times. It probably became less and less profitable. The Flash-based NC Mall was Viacom's attempt to shore up the profits and it worked. At the time, Flash was known to be vulnerable but still widely used. They should have read the writing on the wall and created a non-Flash version of the NC mall in 2007/2008 but they didn't. The NC Mall did make Neopets profitable but since it's probably their main stream of income, they can't take it down for repairs without losing money.

    I don't think they're going to be able to make the repairs and I think the site will go under shortly after December 2020. Maybe it will live on as the mobile games for a while, but it won't be the same. I don't see how they can overhaul the site in 9 months. I hope I am wrong.

    submitted by /u/meansenemy
    [link] [comments]

    jumping on the "i'll draw ur pet" bandwagon

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    i cant draw though lmao.

    post a link to ur favorite pet and i'll try to draw them on like, MS Paint or something. don't expect anything good. i just need a break from trying for game avatars (fuck u destructo match)

    submitted by /u/crystalglassxxx
    [link] [comments]

    I just had a feeling I should go check the magma pool. Thanks neopets :)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    ...and yet more babies looking for homes <3 [A continuation!]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I surpassed the character limits on the previous post, this is a continuation of where I left off!

    COVID-19 "updates" at my workplace have left me completely in the dark about what in the heck is going on with the current Lockdown in-progress - I'm going through the listing of available pet names as I find spare minutes, please bear with me as I attempt to juggle the whole kit and kaboodle <3!


    - AutumnSpruce

    - Bodaciousbulls

    - Brokerly

    - Buttertoasted

    - Cherry_Cow

    - Chocowie

    - Clayassault

    - CoconutCreature

    - CrazyArtichoke

    - Crazy_Frog

    - CustardQueen

    - Kimenay

    - Kreyel

    - Lilianess

    - Lord_Zagato

    - Lunaramun

    - Maya_Axcaster

    - Maylieah

    - Mienster

    - milkamint

    - Mitchelle_

    - SeelenStern

    - Sezbel

    - Shoygrove

    - Skeletsy

    - SolidSilver

    - Starasaur_the_Seer

    - Suntest

    - SweetestKind

    - Syrchia

    - Toniore

    - Truneus

    - Twiglig

    - TwilightDreams

    - ___Hippogriff___


    - AntiqueBaker

    - Antsweet

    - Ashareih

    - Avenisha

    - Ciroitus

    - Crayleigh

    - Kioskop

    - Kryinz

    - LimeChick

    - Mondame

    - Polyupe

    - Prinlii

    - Sevierville

    - Slomint

    - Star_Steeler

    - sugarbelly

    - Tiny_Bing

    - Trunele


    - ArrogantAmbassador

    - Astroito

    - BlueberryBorrower

    - BraveFin

    - Burnin_Blade

    - ChoirBoi

    - Christalias

    - Crusty_Pizza

    - Dragon_Banner

    - KongKarpe

    - LyreTale

    - Maxmotions

    - Megaz0rd

    - Milkshade

    - NonToxic_

    - Polietreo

    - Princess_Abina

    - Ruby_Tail

    - RulerOfPoseidon

    - Ryvisyn

    - Seizan_Of_Two_Horns

    - sharkchow

    - shell_shine

    - ShenronOceanius

    - SimmerFish

    - Spotted_Crow

    - Starenlighten

    - Sukades

    - Swiftly_Swimming

    - Tortfeasors

    - Trunelli

    - Tylocin


    - Bemvino

    - Bravisha

    - BreezyWeekes

    - Christmas_Fuzzie

    - Ciofur

    - cloudcell

    - Cloud_Thunder

    - Cocolado

    - coconutberry

    - Coconye (the Science Guy! *cricket chrips* ...yeah, I'll see myself out...)

    - Cotilar

    - Crazeye

    - Dorque

    - Flipper_Flins

    - FloralHoney

    - Flowers_Nectar

    - Flying_Tea

    - Fongafale

    - fumeflame

    - Got_Garlic

    - Grimmean

    - Hunter_Aura

    - Judelight

    - Kimison

    - KineticBanners

    - Kiramyi

    - Kisseda

    - Kitanare

    - Kiylop

    - Konbert

    - Koneyra

    - Korbalala

    - Korbbq

    - Korbri

    - Korbym

    - Korbyro

    - Korisky

    - Korooba

    - Kreptun

    - Kreyley

    - Kunior

    - Kuroshikon

    - Lonkoro

    - Masterzigma

    - Menegroth_

    - Messaku

    - Mimicas

    - Miniorne

    - Mirible

    - Mirrmi

    - Mistyanai

    - Mouselino

    - Mr_Landmark

    - Muttess

    - NosferatuMuffin

    - Notator (RW)

    - Nuppeter

    - pitchshade

    - PixARK

    - pixidroplet

    - Plushiner

    - Poor_Bowling

    - Prezliy

    - ProfessorAir

    - Pterobat

    - Punkuu

    - Rio_Pop

    - Roman_G

    - Ronatei

    - Ronnoq

    - Royal_Snake

    - Ruby_Ree

    - Ruffv

    - Rusotin

    - Rustifi

    - Shanaeir

    - Sheaal

    - Sheress

    - Shiziryuk

    - Shorexi

    - Shytori

    - SizzlinSlytherin

    - Skeletita

    - Sky__Water

    - Slowine

    - SlySirius

    - Slytor

    - SnowyCoffee

    - Somily

    - Sooport

    - Souelyn

    - SplitMilk


    - Spookieroo

    - spookykooky

    - Stoutlant

    - SugarSweetCutie

    - Sukodoa

    - sunhunters

    - Surface_ (RW)

    - Susuwatari_

    - Sweet_Spray

    - Sweet_Swimmers

    - TinyRome

    - TinyTragedy

    - Tizzine

    - Topiarey

    - toxicfangs

    - tugsly

    - Turmet

    - TwistedPirate

    - __Rattail__

    - __Skorupi__

    - __Spikers__

    - __Splyke__


    - AntonBear

    - Anxiva

    - Arndra

    - Arnpet

    - Aromys

    - Bengua

    - Benjille

    - Berreroo

    - Berserkatt

    - BetterKnife

    - blindingstrike

    - BlizzardDiamond

    - BlizzardKnight

    - Blizzardluna

    - Blobstar

    - Blueberry_Bowl

    - Blue_Sorbet

    - Boizyn

    - Booletta

    - BoxedMentality (RW)

    - Boxmoor

    - Bratyme

    - Bravenino

    - bravespot

    - Bravtale

    - buckthorn_berry

    - ButterFlhy

    - Buzzardkit

    - Chepsy

    - Chestnutfur

    - Chevron1 (SG1 =D)

    - Chexan

    - ChucklesChuck

    - Cinnasimba

    - Clausmo

    - Clawlder

    - clawrunner

    - clawsius

    - ClawTalons

    - Clenale

    - Cluegra

    - coconutclaw

    - coconut_heaven

    - Cookieash

    - Copperclaw

    - Cossage

    - crowtooth

    - Curlfeather

    - Cyojii

    - Dishann

    - Dousent

    - DragonSpots

    - DreamingTree

    - Duskpine

    - Florensha

    - FoggyPelt

    - Folieon

    - Folyni

    - Foxemii

    - FreshEssence

    - Frostface_

    - Frostystream

    - Govror

    - graycash

    - Gumbyer

    - jungleday

    - Juno_Ginger

    - Kilicub

    - Kiliono

    - Kingquail

    - King_Nathan

    - Kola_

    - Kolinks

    - Komaaru

    - Kombolo

    - Komonio

    - Kousara

    - Kresane

    - Kuroniu

    - Kyohvu

    - Kyoska

    - Leopard_Storm

    - Lepetitpeanut

    - Levisita

    - Liliada

    - Loirito

    - LordofAnarchy

    - Luchelsi

    - Ludahh

    - Luna_Lockheart

    - Lustaye

    - LynxBlade

    - Lyrikan

    - Mashkia

    - MasterTigre

    - Meraell

    - Minnowfang

    - mintfrost

    - Moisturese (RW)

    - Mokokun

    - Molefur

    - Mollart

    - moondust_flower

    - Morningreed

    - MrTree

    - Mummyara

    - Musanda

    - Myhley

    - Myraii

    - Mystoil

    - Noramma

    - Nuronal

    - Piplua

    - Pirurii

    - pixiechicken

    - Pongoose

    - Priaux

    - PrideAsh

    - Primauth

    - PrinceTanis

    - Prince_Zora

    - Prueson

    - pureclaw

    - Ringo_Akai

    - Robo_runner

    - Rock_beach

    - Rodiore

    - Rogtoii

    - Rokdaz

    - Romanroy

    - Romegra

    - romeoville

    - Romgra

    - Ronintel

    - Rudosor

    - rudylock

    - Ruquime

    - Rynarya

    - Ryselki

    - Rysenya

    - Ryslian

    - Rytizu

    - Ryukies

    - Sedra_Queen

    - Shenabo

    - Sheowa

    - sherlocknoodle

    - Shilna

    - Shiloch

    - Shodrofercous

    - Silverjem

    - Simbacub

    - Simbalai

    - Sinakei

    - SinisterPea

    - Sky_Montana

    - SlipKit

    - slushtiger

    - Smokyfur

    - Snickers_chan

    - snoozlette

    - SnowBeaver

    - Snowenny

    - SnowFangy

    - Snowkhat

    - Snowmamma

    - snowmuzzle

    - Soghra

    - Sonarla

    - Soossie

    - Sorlice

    - sorrowspirit

    - sorrow_kitty

    - Specchioditempo

    - Spicermon

    - SpitFireSabra

    - Spookshan

    - Sprinkles_Queen

    - Spyketro


    - Stariiana

    - Staritana

    - Starrymira

    - Starsnowie

    - Steinpfote ("Stonepaw" in German afaik!)

    - Steptan

    - Stlemanis

    - stonekitty

    - streifenboy

    - Studing

    - SugarSweetDaisy

    - Summar_

    - Sunaili

    - sunfuzzy (has been in the pound for 17+ years!)

    - sunlightjr

    - Sunny_G

    - Sunsetflow

    - sunsetsparkle

    - sunshinerainbow

    - Supernew

    - Sussino

    - SweetySing

    - Synolina

    - syrupstars

    - Tigronya

    - Tinkerhearts

    - TinkerHorn

    - TinselBells

    - Tiny_Persian

    - Tiolara

    - TipsyMoss

    - Tisment

    - TizzyTigress

    - tombskeleton

    - Tonpete

    - Toogaa

    - Topas_Tieger

    - topazlynx

    - topaz_fang

    - Topaz_Star_

    - TorchyJ

    - Toriinn

    - Torileta

    - Torxse

    - Toxic_Honey

    - TreasureJem

    - Trebenter

    - Tredark

    - treetooth

    - Trigrey

    - trigrun

    - Trishfur

    - Triskinny

    - TropicalEarth

    - tropicalette

    - Tropicaleyes

    - tropicalfruity (Been in pound for 14+ years!)

    - Tropical_cat

    - Tropical__Tiger

    - Tropic_Dreamer

    - TroubleNight

    - TroubleTiger (Been in pound for 14+ years!)

    - Trubri

    - Tryeta

    - Tuliion

    - Turnha

    - Turquoiseturtle

    - twigflight

    - TwilightChaos

    - Tyllii

    - Tynkyk

    - Tyrakki

    - Tyrekeus

    - Tyrekha

    - Tyreure

    - Tysihn

    - _steampunk_

    - _Stickers_


    - Angeria

    - Arnairus

    - BerryTwig

    - BlazeBly

    - Blick_Winkel

    - BlizzardLynx

    - BloodFireBlue

    - Blubaroomo

    - Blueberrychiapett

    - Bringle_

    - Brucebowl

    - Bubble_Flame

    - Bushleaf

    - Buzz_Nicholas

    - Chrystabelle_

    - Chrytalla

    - Clawca

    - Claxya

    - CookieSoap

    - Cornelius__Fudge

    - CostumeConvention

    - Dippie_daptor

    - Dolphinoko

    - Draikkia

    - foxality

    - FoxKay

    - foxmair

    - Franquitooh

    - Freakyfire

    - Froosciante

    - FurLine

    - KipKip

    - Komeor

    - Komoira

    - Kondesi

    - Kordair

    - Kotteko

    - Kretai

    - Krexii

    - Krifly

    - Krimky

    - Krozot

    - Kulions

    - Kymmers

    - Kynelm

    - Kynsit

    - Kyrahe

    - Kyrantic

    - Kyratsu

    - Kyraven

    - Kyrgust

    - Kyriago

    - Kyrians

    - kyriinose

    - kyriipop

    - KyriiTeo

    - Kyrikie

    - Kyriome

    - Kyrneo

    - Kytret

    - Leucothea_ (RW: Greek Sea Goddess)

    - Leveye

    - Levitho

    - Leytuh

    - Lezenu

    - Lightingeye

    - Likava

    - Liklia

    - Lizdew

    - Lorinkae

    - Lucky_Splash

    - Lukdor

    - Lukyis

    - Lutarilo

    - Lynxene

    - Lyreio

    - Lyrienge

    - Matococco

    - Mawcoe

    - Mehandra

    - Melecool

    - Mericur

    - Meruel

    - Meughan

    - Mikuloi

    - Minizahn

    - MintyHaze

    - MiracleMinoru

    - Missysan

    - Mohinnder

    - Moonib

    - Mooshi__Mooshi

    - Mysticshad

    - Noxxita

    - Pingugu

    - Piperap

    - PrinceKit

    - PrinceRoald

    - PrinceSnape

    - PrincessRay

    - Prinsae

    - Pureliebe

    - Rezzix

    - Roborii

    - RockyOtter

    - Rock_Cart

    - Rorschach__

    - Rotstone

    - Rouge_Jones

    - Rouhmar

    - Ruby_Raye

    - Runtim

    - Ruperthi

    - Rushikos

    - Rykyry

    - ScurrilousStraggler

    - Sewernana

    - Sky_Henri

    - Sludgefang

    - Slugash

    - snowdagger

    - Sonny_Demi

    - Spanielman

    - SparkyElectric

    - Spirk_Spork

    - Spoonned

    - SpringHaru

    - Spyder_

    - starfoxie

    - Stark_Z

    - Star_Lordess

    - Stonestark

    - Stormibeth

    - Strazixii

    - SukoshiKodomo

    - Sukuneh

    - Summer_wisp

    - sunny_rider

    - Sunshinao

    - Sweet_Child_O_Mine

    - Sweet_Maybell (Been in the pound 12+ years!)

    - SyncSama

    - Tinkora

    - TinyElite

    - tipsytoon

    - Tokouo

    - TopazJonas

    - troubleback

    - Trustred

    - Tryonna (Been in the pound 13+ years!)

    - tusksilver

    - Tutankamon_

    - TwistedLi

    - Tyrahnio

    - _Strikes_

    - _Torterra_

    - _Tuft_

    - __Kytes__


    - Anohya

    - Arialeena

    - Benny_Betta

    - BerylIxi

    - Beta_Duck

    - Birdie_Squawk

    - Bird_Butt (Been in the pound 13+ years!)

    - Blastfeather

    - Blitzseal

    - Blizzardflight

    - Bublias

    - Clarrissai

    - Clennyn

    - Coconut_Cute

    - Cocosum

    - cocoyote

    - Crazlo (Been in the pound 14+ years!)

    - Frundex

    - Kilzella

    - kippenkop

    - Kiranun

    - Lesolin

    - lightfoot_love

    - Lizeol

    - Lypikie

    - Myreith

    - Myrrhyn

    - Plumys

    - Rio_the_Bird

    - River_Jude

    - Robinroot

    - Rote_Schorle

    - Shellrie

    - SillyWimble

    - Solardie

    - sparklepear

    - sunniebird

    - suntaro

    - TisPotassium

    - TizzleT

    - Toothianna

    - Treatiebird (Been in pound 12+ years!)

    - treemunch

    - TurbulentRose

    - Turonian

    - Tuskaroos

    - Twigny

    - __Marcio__


    - Ankleah

    - Aspagie

    - Azur3kite

    - Berakke

    - Betadare

    - blazingswords (Been in the pound almost 13 years!)

    - Blizzardtronn

    - bloomhound

    - BloomingCheek (Been in the pound 10+ years!)

    - BlueGemStone

    - BlueRiffe

    - Blumdae

    - Bromance_

    - Buoysels

    - Chocolate_Bite

    - CinnamonBrown

    - Clayts

    - Copperblade

    - coyotedusk

    - crawlfish

    - crystal_claws

    - Cyrus_Albright

    - Disco_Fries

    - distantsong

    - dragonshyne

    - Drownear

    - Dusk_Pup

    - Foggywind

    - FoxChan

    - Foxy__Lupe

    - FraserJones

    - Freakrune

    - Freyalila

    - fullflame

    - full_water

    - Grell_Sutocliff

    - Grey_Sulfur

    - Gusttail

    - Howlzly

    - HunterShade

    - hunterwood

    - Jungares

    - Kiptoro

    - Kiropare

    - Kitashin

    - Kokuino

    - Kovusun

    - Kreebeth

    - Krekara

    - Kyvosa

    - Lewpso

    - Lightfierce

    - Lilyblade

    - littlemist

    - LunarScar

    - Luparah

    - Lupiara

    - Monoxsides (RW)

    - Monsieur_Montemarte


    - Plushiets (Been in the pound almost 11 years!)

    - Polaruse

    - pridelord

    - Priyze

    - Rollbie

    - Roulexi

    - royalmist

    - Rupeous

    - Russkai

    - Russophobiac

    - rustytooth

    - sharpfur (Been in the pound almost 13 years!)

    - Sharpyll

    - Shieldness

    - Skullve

    - Sky_Bardsley

    - Sky_Chester

    - Sky_OReilly

    - Sky_Star_ (Been in the pound 12+ years!)

    - Slobberface

    - Snickers_Fox

    - SnoopLupe

    - Snowlupus

    - snowyprowl

    - Soiliana

    - Solpack

    - SootAttack

    - Splithe

    - sporkware

    - stardustsix

    - Starlalina

    - StarryPancake

    - StarryPumpkin

    - Star_Cobra

    - Stinker_The_Great

    - Stormeko

    - SummerPeak

    - SummerSnowfall

    - sunburstfighter

    - sunkendream (Been in the pound 15+ years!)

    - Sunkishy

    - Sunny_the_Dog

    - SunRayFlame

    - sunsetflowers

    - Sunsetmoons

    - Sunsetorange

    - sunsetwishes

    - sweetiemaple

    - sweetieshine

    - Synzori

    - Tomugotchi

    - Tooning

    - Torakee

    - Torieum

    - treemore

    - Trickynick

    - Trimeya

    - Trouble_witch (Been in the pound nearly 12 years!)

    - TrustWolf

    - truthrain

    - Twilightbreathe

    - Twilightsoft

    - Tyllarr

    - __Gail__

    - __Leontes__


    - Angelic_Owlet (Been in the pound 10+ years)

    - Ashlottie

    - Autumnstrike

    - Berisaa

    - Bouncetuft

    - Bouncybea

    - Breeze_Tail

    - breezyapple

    - Chetail

    - Clawsear (Been in the pound 12+ years!)

    - Dishkah

    - Flipool

    - Fonda_

    - FrostBob

    - Fruit_Machine

    - Grobble_

    - KingMinty

    - Lernfee

    - LeSalad

    - Le_Salad

    - Lightredsun

    - LilFinland

    - LilMustardseed

    - LilTrujillo

    - Lollipop_Daydream

    - LongTailling

    - Lorioky

    - LuckyChant

    - MasterBits

    - Meeric

    - Meeries

    - Meeriz

    - Meerkoli

    - Meermatic

    - Meerstripe

    - Meikury

    - Melienny

    - Melldie

    - Melyst

    - Merikan

    - Merkison (Been in the pound 10.5 years!)

    - Mermilo (Been in the pound 10+ years!)

    - Merrki

    - Merrtia

    - MetroWeb

    - Minerful

    - Mirrodi

    - Missyrica (Been in the pound 10 years!)

    - Miss_Muncher

    - MonsieurMouse

    - MonsieurSpeed

    - Nirjara

    - Pinkjava

    - PirateSha

    - Pomoanna

    - Poogliferous

    - Rioara

    - Rioyon

    - riverhive

    - River_of_life

    - Rivyta

    - Rodentberry

    - Ropaisha

    - Roxxali

    - Ryzario

    - Ryzeere

    - Scydan

    - Seedor

    - Selilabea

    - Shanhita

    - Sheniax

    - Shyissa

    - Shyvira

    - silversill

    - silversoda (Been in the pound 12+ years!)

    - Silver__Zeuss

    - Snoopyth

    - Soikara

    - Solermouse

    - Spider_Lilly

    - Sprigii

    - Squirewl

    - StarryCutiePie

    - starsband

    - StarsFree

    - starshyre

    - Star_Pastel

    - Stich_

    - Sukirina

    - Sukouii

    - sunnycorn

    - Sunsdawn

    - Sweetiekinz

    - Sweetielime

    - Swelda

    - Tijerin

    - Tinnitusa

    - tombolini

    - TopazChipmunk

    - Toughbounce (Been in the pound 11+ years!)

    - trashbone

    - TrickTrack

    - Trinsith

    - Trojakk

    - Tropiclle

    - Tyzowi

    - _snicklebeast_

    - _Swinub_

    - __Jumble__

    - __Mecca__

    - __Restart__

    - ___Fabiano___

    - ___Jessie___


    - Angus_Burlyhoof

    - Aristoteles_A_Anviro (Been in the pound 10 years!)

    - Beynow

    - Breadoh

    - CocoCheek

    - Cocotazox

    - Criyala

    - Cujo_Cow

    - Cysque

    - Cysria

    - Dourio

    - Duke_Marco

    - FlishBoy (Been in the pound nearly 13 years!)

    - Foodelie

    - Fredricksenn

    - Fruytii (Been in the pound nearly 11 years!)

    - GreenstripeDewLeaf

    - Leoronia

    - Linnings

    - LordSoleil

    - Lord_Peter_Whimsey

    - LucyDanziger

    - Lumbo_Gumbo

    - Megacoco

    - Moemile

    - Mohawkhog

    - Moehizzzle (Been in the pound 13+ years!)

    - Mooellie

    - Noogro

    - Punikuta

    - Punk_perry

    - Riley_Blaze

    - Rolkaes

    - Royelea

    - runtzone

    - Skullbi

    - SlothStrike

    - Speckledbrook

    - SpookBom

    - Sporadic__

    - Sterika_

    - Stubmen

    - Sunchem

    - SupaClaw

    - SweetiePied

    - Tinylittlebro (Been in the pound nearly 14 years!)

    - Tombha

    - Treajin

    - Triadda

    - Trifleman

    - Trollhog (Been in the pound 16 years!)

    - trollwing

    - Troppel

    - Tyndarids

    - Tyrannian_Biter

    - __Greem__

    - __Kiran__

    - __Renata__

    - __Whoot__


    - Azulno

    - Bendet

    - Berluga

    - Billiman

    - Binoculares

    - Blueberrysan

    - Bubboon

    - BugFrost

    - BugsBloo

    - CoconutTree

    - Crelupasta

    - CrescentMoonHunter

    - CurlPaw

    - Cutecoon

    - Foxdinner

    - Fraynd

    - FreakBall

    - Freewayd

    - Freyond

    - Furmoni

    - JumbieKaulitz_

    - Junnytoo

    - Kizrock

    - Kozster

    - Kyoupa

    - Lerioky

    - Lesonet

    - Leunaa

    - LilFireHeart

    - LilGasper

    - Lime_Litez

    - Lupitro

    - Lyrichan

    - Lyrual

    - Lywina

    - Marytai

    - Merarina

    - Mercone

    - MerryPippen

    - Mickci

    - Mienzi

    - Mindarch

    - Minimenes

    - MisterApplePie (Been in the pound 10+ years!)

    - Monchichis

    - Moony_the_Monkey

    - Moon_Angelwings

    - Mynple

    - Pricezie

    - puffindrop

    - Roboflot

    - Roboswing

    - RobotPoison

    - Rocket_Roy

    - rockvalle

    - Rock_Tidwell

    - Ruquela

    - Ruthmill

    - sherlocko

    - shimmersblue

    - Snowletter

    - songhigh

    - Sourpagoda

    - Spookjens

    - Spookrel

    - Spooky_tomb

    - Sporty__Spice

    - Starryquest

    - StoverMan


    - Sunkong

    - Sunny_Beresford

    - Sunny_Rowen

    - SunshineJack

    - SuperGummy

    - SweetMarguerite

    - Sweet_Almond

    - Sweet__Sunny

    - Syndiye

    - Synkna

    - Synofin (Been in the pound 14.5 years!)

    - Syreilia

    - Tik_Tok_Tac_Toe

    - Tillithe (Been in the pound nearly 15 years!)

    - TingTon

    - tinkerday

    - TombReaper (Been in the pound nearly 13 years!)

    - Tonicae

    - Tony_Baskerville

    - topazdreamer

    - Torakui

    - Treemis

    - Treestine

    - Tree_Lettuce

    - Triopop

    - Truckia

    - True_Kyo

    - TuxSam

    - Twistyii

    - Twitchie2

    - __Griffel__

    - __Guts__

    - __Hatori__

    - __Manno__

    - __Mogo__

    - ____Infernape____

    - _____Karmen_____


    - Angerpaw

    - Ashaimun

    - Autumnfalcon

    - Azurine_Skies

    - BlueSundae

    - Blumallow

    - Bounceflame

    - Chekuku

    - Chubberminion

    - CoconutBlue

    - cricketsong

    - Dr_Hopps

    - Froabanet

    - fullsparkle

    - Groenkwakje

    - Gundosnipes

    - HuskerFanatic

    - Kunisho

    - Kurikarra

    - Kurreta

    - Kyurni

    - Kyzort

    - Lilith_Rain

    - LordOfTheDots

    - Luna_Nargle

    - Meikiah

    - Midnight_Bluebells

    - Mintyrye

    - Mivalina

    - MonatoEsprit

    - Novolet

    - PookieMash

    - Senor_Ichabod

    - Sherlock_Reed

    - Shyaiko

    - Silver_Chimes

    - Sir_Albus

    - Sir_Borus

    - Sir_Ribbito

    - Starry_Burst

    - Sunkyra

    - Sweetsize

    - Tiredtooth

    - Toquilla

    - TwilightWhisperer

    - __Hatten__

    - __Kerrie__ (Been in the pound 10+ years!)

    - __KONN__


    - AnimeTrash

    - Ari_Sketch

    - Arthurey

    - berrybucket

    - BerryIsland

    - BiscuitHooves

    - Bodrii

    - Boiane

    - BookerDewitt_

    - Braskaa

    - Braylle

    - BunButtons

    - Burgziege

    - BurnNSlash

    - Butterat

    - Buzzybie

    - Chocapics

    - Choconiey

    - CinderAqua

    - Cleayre

    - Cocoaseed

    - Cocoa_Chesterfield

    - Cocopow

    - Cocoyoto

    - Comet_17

    - Cori_Cloudhoof

    - Count_Moocula

    - Dragons_Bain

    - DrMcZombie

    - DrZeus

    - Dr_Marshmallow

    - DuskMoss

    - Duskstreak

    - Fluffcheeky

    - Foggray

    - FrizzRiot

    - FrostBlue

    - fruitacus

    - Fruit_Stripe

    - Grundeletty

    - Kindofasaur

    - KingPho

    - Kozukah

    - Meikamia

    - midnightmistletoe

    - Mr_Crooks

    - mysticalmage

    - Nomadam

    - Piptyn

    - PlushieBoy

    - Pollathe

    - Roddzii

    - RubyRenshaw

    - Screenified_

    - Shaynnah_

    - Shiawassi

    - Shoraxo

    - SilverPride

    - SilverRoux

    - Silvers_

    - Sixty_seven

    - Skylar_Grey

    - Slipstic

    - SnowHobbit

    - Solcist

    - Spindle_ (Been in the pound 14+ years!)

    - spotted_moon

    - SpringFiend

    - Stantler_

    - StarHolic

    - StarianaRose

    - Stariarta (Been in the pound 14+ years!)

    - StarSkywalker

    - Star_Storm

    - Steinkatze

    - Sunsetblood

    - Sun_Shield

    - SweetOllie

    - Tivagre

    - Tomasino_

    - Tomos_Fawn

    - Tonsong

    - TriaJay

    - Trickaa

    - Trouble_Breathe

    - tunderwater

    - Turnipshine

    - Tyrogui

    - Tyruster

    - _Spiritomb_

    - _Stear_

    - __Hayal__

    - __Jiffy__

    - __Kass__



















    ((TBC - 18 species left, I'm working on it!!!))

    submitted by /u/OziHedgie
    [link] [comments]

    [PSA]Pro tip: Don't gamble.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I bought 36 Halloween Y14 Goodie Bags. Guess what happened.

    At least I got one Halloween Eyrie Plushie.

    submitted by /u/ghoststegosaur
    [link] [comments]

    Tricksey little Scamaders...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Starting my own Quiggle Plushie Gallery!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi guys, returning player here. Was clearing out my SDB when I found out I still had a few Quiggle plushies. Naturally the next step for me was to start my very own Quiggle Plushie gallery!

    I thought Reddit would be the perfect place for me to start my (most likely quite short) journey of collecting all 29 Plushies. So if any of you are clearing your SDB or shop stock and come across any Quiggle plushies, I'll be glad to take them off your hands.

    Just name your price, and if it's cheaper than buying them off the wizard, then I'll happily buy them from you. I promise all Quiggle plushies will find a loving home, displayed for the world to enjoy. (There's not enough love for Quiggles on Neopets!)

    Have a list here for anyone interested in following my progress:Link to my gallery (I have a few other things there as well!)

    1. Yellow Quiggle Plushie
    2. Blue Quiggle Plushie
    3. Green Quiggle Plushie
    4. Red Quiggle Plushie
    5. Coconut Shy Quiggle Plushie
    6. Purple Quiggle Plushie
    7. Birthday Celebration Quiggle Plushie
    8. Pink Quiggle Plushie
    9. Rainbow Quiggle Plushie
    10. Darigan Quiggle Plushie
    11. Un-Valentines Quiggle Plushi
    12. Pirate Quiggle Plushie
    13. Knitted Elderly Quigglegirl Plushie
    14. Speckled Quiggle Plushie
    15. Tyrannian Quiggle Plushie
    16. Quiggle Dancer Plushie
    17. Faerie Quiggle Plushie
    18. Island Quiggle Plushie
    19. Deluxe Baby Quiggle Plushie
    20. Mutant Quiggle Plushie
    21. Snot Quiggle Plushie
    22. Snow Quiggle Plushie
    23. Deluxe Island Quiggle Plushie
    24. Valentines Quiggle Plushie
    25. Baby Quiggle Plushie
    26. Royal Girl Quiggle Plushie
    27. Royal Boy Quiggle Plushie
    28. Altador Cup Quiggle Plushie
    29. Evil Twin Green Quiggle Plushie
    30. Plushie Quiggle Plushie
    31. Quigquig Plushie
    32. King Skarl Quiguki Plushie
    33. Altador Cup Quiggle Plushie
    34. Collectors Edition Quiguki Boy Plushie
    35. Collectors Edition Quiguki Girl Plushie
    36. Quiguki Boy Plushie
    37. Quiguki Girl Plushie
    submitted by /u/quigglelover
    [link] [comments]

    Back after Bereavement.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    'm back at 26 years old after bereavement. Lost a family member and desperately trying to work my way through it. On top of the, Corona has made me unemployed from my dream job. I wanted to feeling of warmth and happiness that Neopets once brought me again.

    I'm 26f, from London. My user is Verdoch (I had to make a new account, my old one is locked after so many inactive years.)

    Feel free to add me. I could really use being surrounded by wonderful people right now. I promise I am normal, just a little down.

    Love to you all x

    Edit: GUYS I CRIED. I've opened nepeta tonight to gifts, friend request and neomails. I haven't felt such happiness in a long time. Thank you all so bloody much. I've got to have an account for 24 hours before I can reply though so please bear with me! Love you all xx

    submitted by /u/JanLevisonIPresume
    [link] [comments]

    Does fighting in the battleground of the obelisk help your team win?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I know I need to do 10 battles to be counted, but does fighting more than that help my team win? Does it add points? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rs_alli
    [link] [comments]

    ��‍♂️ Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie Giveaway! ����

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    I have one basic gift box that I got from Trudy's Surprise today, so that means I have one cookie to give away!

    All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below with a joke, funny story, animal picture...etc...anything to make me laugh or smile! I know myself and I'm sure everyone else that sees the comments could use a little something to cheer us up in these dark times.

    A random winner will be picked sometime tomorrow morning. Best of luck! :)

    submitted by /u/elohvie
    [link] [comments]

    Just started again after about eight years so I wanted to share some of my pound pets! I’ve never had enough $ for brushes or anything, so I love the thrill of finding them on the pound! My favourite is my Aisha Tranquale! Can’t wait to get them looking awesome. ❤️

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    This would be insanely unsettling even if we weren’t in the middle of a plague

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PDT

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