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    Friday, November 6, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 06, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 06, 2020

    NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - November 06, 2020

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! ({{date %B %d, %Y}})

    Welcome to the Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT thread. A new thread will be made every day at midnight NST. Please refrain from posting individual threads and use this thread for your trading purposes!


    Remember that you can use Ctrl + F to help you find items you might be interested in! Please use the following specific formats to make it easier for people searching for either NC or NP items.

    Format - NP

    Please use this format when buying or selling items:




    item - price (or link to your shop/trades/auctions)

    Format - NC


    item(s) or link to wishlist


    item(s) or link to trade list

    Neocash Trading

    Please keep in mind that you can ONLY trade Neocash items for other Neocash items and cannot buy them with neopoints.

    To trade an NC item you need a gift box that you receive when redeeming NC cards, opening Gift Box Capsules or other events. To read more about trading Neocash items check out the Jellyneo guide.

    If you're trading NC items, here are a couple guides to help you out with values and avoid being scammed: ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR WHEN THESE WERE LAST UPDATED AS THEY MAY BE OUTDATED.

    Neocash Guide Respitory:


    Most Recently Updated Value Guides:


    /~Valentine - Text Version

    /~Sovenn - Popular Wearables

    /~Grreggory - Popular Wearables Text Version

    /~Priscilla - Community Value Check

    Specialist Value Guides:

    /~Nidyra - Non-Wearables (Outdated)

    /~Juingo - Neohome (Outdated)

    List last updated Jun 22nd, 2020


    This also is the place to post all your pets that you are seeking new homes for, whether you're trading or adopting out.

    Please post the pet or pets you currently have up for adoption, that you are zapping to adopt out, or that you wish to trade.

    You do not have to post the name of the pet or the name of your account if you do not wish, but remember to check your reddit PMs if this is the only means of communication you are allowing!

    Please update or edit your comments once you have found a new home for your pets.

    If you want a pet, or are trying to adopt a pet out but want to give redditors first dibs, the /r/neopets Dream Pet List may be of some use!


    1. DO NOT mention /r/neopets or reddit on Neopets in any way.
    2. Be excellent to each other, as always.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pay-it-forward Friday #372!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:05 AM PST

    This week's thread is brought to you by YOU!

    What's been on your mind lately?

    Bruh, I've been cramming like so much school work this past week, and I'm just glad it's almost the weekend, but at the same time I've got an exam and a 15-minute zoom presentation next week, so like fuck lmao



    • PIFF starts every Friday @ Midnight NST! Credit to /u/Slothzy and /u/RockCroc for starting-up this tradition!
    • This thread is in CONTEST MODE This is to discourage downvoting in order to increase wishlist visibility and make it fairer for participants arriving throughout the day. All posts are randomized!
    • Please observe all rules as outlined in our community and discussion guidelines! (Check out the nifty sidebar!)
    • All individual NP items given in this thread are highly encouraged to stay under 100k//buyable. Pets UFA or NC gifting is allowed at your own reasonable discretion~
    • Reminder: NEVER mention Reddit (or any variations thereof like Read It, Arr! Neopets, Blue Aliens, "that other site", etc) or this thread on Neopets itself! We are not an officially affiliated fansite and doing so can put your account—or the ones of others—at risk of getting frozen!


    • Please post in the following format to keep things streamlined and easy!
    • Answer the awesomesauce prompt/theme for today!
    • Gifting: [Tan codestones, dubloons, nerkmids, etc]
    • Seeking: [Link to your JN wishlist, gallery from your UL, explanation of your collection's theme, progress for BD training, etc]
    • If your UN is not in your flair, please include the best method of contact! [Link to a lot on the Trading Post, link to your shop to donate NP, indication for preference to arrange gifts via Reddit PM, etc]
    • It is encouraged and customary to copy/paste the confirmation after you send an item to another user. This helps prevent duplicate gifts in case their wishlists aren't updated instantly! Also helps you figure out who to thank directly for being so generous~ "You have given [fantabulous item to contribute to their collection] to User '[insert UN here]'. Click the button below to continue."
    • Don't forget to leave a courtesy upvote! (And it helps you keep track of who you've already gifted to!)
    • If someone pays you a kindness, big or small, try to PAY-IT-FORWARD! Even if all you can afford is something small, or you can't do it quite yet, keep the kindness someone has paid you in mind and show someone else the same kindness in the future~


    • Gift at your own discretion.
    • Exercise caution when it comes to new Reddit or Neopets accounts posting on the thread.
    • Spot shell accounts or free-loaders by checking them out prior to gifting: Sad/unfed pets? Little to no games played? Little trophy or avatar activities? No gallery or shop exists? No history of prior activity in this sub/unfamiliar with their UN?
    • Please don't be rude and steal other people's TP lots if they are not intended for you.
    • There is to be no begging or harassment of any kind.
    • Report any suspicious individuals to the mods! This thread is a free-for-all chaotic mess most of the time and not micro-managed in any manner~
    submitted by /u/Fruit_Loopita
    [link] [comments]

    Got the coolest zap today!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Got one of my dream pets!!! Thanks asantus, a saint indeed! (also, check your neomail, there's a PB gift waiting for you :^)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Really feeling my newest winter themed custom...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    A quick little drawing page of my Korbat I'm planning on dipping or painting white whenever I get the chance! :]

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

    If You Could Redesign Neopets' Mechanics From The Ground Up, What Would You Change?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Neopets evolved to be very different from the creators' original vision over the years. Its design was influenced by several factors like business decisions, marketing, coding architecture, and so on to make it into what it is today. However, if none of those things were an issue, and you suddenly found yourself in charge of the site as a whole, what changes would you make to make it better in your eyes?

    Personally, I would make interaction with your pet(s) much more involved and meaningful. To do that, I would give pets that aren't your active pet some autonomy; they would be able to go out and explore Neopia on their own, and they could potentially bring back items and neopoints throughout the day, or they might blunder and lose them. Perhaps they could have their own inventories and wallets, so you can give them gifts or an allowance that they'll be free to spend on anything that suits their fancy and there'll be a chance that they might get lucky and pay you back with interest or score a rare item.

    Your active pet, meanwhile, would have a more direct effect on things that you do around the site. If you play games, for example, they could cheer you on or give you hints. In 2-player games, the site could show them playing as the other player with/against you. I would also make it so that their mood and their stats has an effect on random events; perhaps if they're strong or intelligent enough then they can ward off events that would otherwise steal your neopoints, or if they're in a bad mood then they might fail to protect you.

    Your pet's mood would also be a bit more volatile, at least so they aren't permanently delighted despite having been left to starve for years on end. If they are neglected for too long then their mood will start to suffer, and that will increase the chances of negative random events happening. To increase your pet's mood, you wouldn't just be able to shove the same toy in their face over and over; you'd have to take them out and explore Neopia with them, give them gifts, or play games with them. Perhaps they could have distinct personalities that dictate what impacts their mood the most.

    Ideally, this would all be balanced in a way that encourages the player to interact with their pets without making it a tedious chore by making said interactions fun to do on top of being productive.

    What kinds of changes would you guys make?

    submitted by /u/RecursiveSweatpants
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    I am fairly new to the game about 1 month, and I think I got really lucky :)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:49 AM PST

    I cant believe my luck right now!!!! After 5 Faerie Cookies!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    This RE wants this Neopet adopted.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    I knew that Jetsam RG wig looked familiar...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:44 AM PST

    What's the Neopets version of Obamacare because I need it

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Wasn't expecting this today!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 03:31 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I'm am so ticked off right now.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Saved up my Neocola Tokens for a few months. Worth it.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Tax Beast Trophy!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Tax Beast Trophy!

    I've been carrying a ridiculous amount on hand to get the gold and now I'm number 1! *cries*

    (I forgot it's a new month and I could carry less)


    submitted by /u/SentientPaint
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    So what, exactly, is the purpose of some of these Spooky Foods?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I've been restocking at Spooky Foods with great success, but like...why is Grundo Toe Lint so expensive? What do people use these items for?

    submitted by /u/SpookySauce_
    [link] [comments]

    ((WIP))had a lot of fun with my last one so decided to try and make another big neopet piece

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 05:20 PM PST

    Random Event to lose stats?!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:38 AM PST

    I was doing some dailies just now and I got this message..

    ***Insert neopet name here*** loses 1 speed and says: It's been so long since I trained I feel a bit slow. Can I do some agility training?

    I have been playing Neopets for over 18 years and i've NEVER seen this random event before.. is this new or has this been around ?!

    submitted by /u/urzathegreat
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    Is there a way to find posts from yesterday?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:35 AM PST

    I had a post in the Pound Chat last night before I went to bed, but the page navigation on the board doesn't seem to work for me. After the first two or three pages it doesn't load any new posts. Is there any way for me to find my original post? :/

    submitted by /u/toukatly
    [link] [comments]

    I could cry

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Still Haven't Gotten My NC For Premium Account Yet?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    So I recently got Premium, and was told that I would get a decent amount of NC for doing so. I was hoping to buy a Faerie Quest Cookie, to try for a FFQ so I can knock out one of the more expensive paints for my dreamies. But even though I paid with PayPal (I know that's what I did because credit cards were disabled at the time) I didn't get any NC whatsoever. Is there any way I can fix this?

    submitted by /u/Kayotime
    [link] [comments]

    But I wanted NP for the trophy ;(

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 10:13 PM PST

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