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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (August 11, 2020)

    Neopets NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (August 11, 2020)

    NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (August 11, 2020)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! (August 11, 2020)

    Welcome to the Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT thread. A new thread will be made every day at midnight NST. Please refrain from posting individual threads and use this thread for your trading purposes!


    Remember that you can use Ctrl + F to help you find items you might be interested in! Please use the following specific formats to make it easier for people searching for either NC or NP items.

    Format - NP

    Please use this format when buying or selling items:




    item - price (or link to your shop/trades/auctions)

    Format - NC


    item(s) or link to wishlist


    item(s) or link to trade list

    Neocash Trading

    Please keep in mind that you can ONLY trade Neocash items for other Neocash items and cannot buy them with neopoints.

    To trade an NC item you need a gift box that you receive when redeeming NC cards, opening Gift Box Capsules or other events. To read more about trading Neocash items check out the Jellyneo guide.

    If you're trading NC items, here are a couple guides to help you out with values and avoid being scammed: ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR WHEN THESE WERE LAST UPDATED AS THEY MAY BE OUTDATED.

    Neocash Guide Respitory:


    Most Recently Updated Value Guides:


    /~Valentine - Text Version

    /~Sovenn - Popular Wearables

    /~Grreggory - Popular Wearables Text Version

    /~Priscilla - Community Value Check

    Specialist Value Guides:

    /~Nidyra - Non-Wearables (Outdated)

    /~Juingo - Neohome (Outdated)

    List last updated Jun 22nd, 2020


    This also is the place to post all your pets that you are seeking new homes for, whether you're trading or adopting out.

    Please post the pet or pets you currently have up for adoption, that you are zapping to adopt out, or that you wish to trade.

    You do not have to post the name of the pet or the name of your account if you do not wish, but remember to check your reddit PMs if this is the only means of communication you are allowing!

    Please update or edit your comments once you have found a new home for your pets.

    If you want a pet, or are trying to adopt a pet out but want to give redditors first dibs, the /r/neopets Dream Pet List may be of some use!


    1. DO NOT mention /r/neopets or reddit on Neopets in any way.
    2. Be excellent to each other, as always.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Food Club Bets (August 12, 2020)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    A thread for people to casually post their bets, discuss, ask questions, etc.

    Food Club Resources

    Using Tables

    /u/diceroll123 speaking! I've made a simple userscript to turn your current bets into a formatted reddit table!

    If you have Chrome: get Tampermonkey to use it! Greasemonkey for Firefox, and I'm unsure about other browsers.

    Link for the userscript here: https://gist.github.com/diceroll123/04fb835539530038795e (Press the "Raw" button and it should ask you to add it to your collection of userscripts.)

    You'll see a button under your current bets table, click that and copy/paste here.

    shameless plug We've got a big fancy Food Club system in our Discord server, come check it out!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I've found it... The ugliest petpet the world has ever seen.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I've found it... The ugliest petpet the world has ever seen.

    My Chomby got zapped by Boochi like 11 years ago and I finally changed him back to Disco. Improvement? More like disgrace. But now this heinous blight on humanity is feeling like himself again. As a congratulations, I felt he needed a matching petpet... And Frankie Fever was born.


    submitted by /u/vernelli
    [link] [comments]

    I love my pound surfing find!!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I love my pound surfing find!!


    Holy guacamole! I found this little guy in the pound today. He has just the perfect name and came with a petpetpet. What reddit luck!!!

    submitted by /u/satansoo_09
    [link] [comments]

    Wow! this must be that Reddit luck!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Today is a good day :)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I thought I had all the crosspaints I wanted until these items came and my Shadow Poogle could use another outfit :p. Used a FFQ for desert and in the end also made someone happy with a Royal Poogle❤

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Reddit luck strikes again! This is the best RE I've ever gotten

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    One dream crosspaint down, thanks to a kind fellow redditor for gifting me the desert chomby morphing potion!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Wow! I've never gotten a PB RE before!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Long time returning player. I feel like I’ve been gone so long that robots have taken over. (Wall Of Text)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I played back when I was a kid, many many moons ago. It was a simpler time back then. The excitement of the simpler games (challenging each other at Dubloon). The random events (that have given your brother a paint brush but never you...). Running back to the PC every 5 minutes to the Wheel Of Monotony because you had no idea how long it would last. Getting a TCG pack purely for the art, then realizing they also give out codes.

    I could go on. I have many fond memories. <3

    However. Now that I'm much older, I came back to the game, bathing in the nostalgia. My desire of finally getting that paint brush. The long lost long term goal. Making my Neopet (named after my late dog Oscar, who was just a pup at the time) a BAMF like he always was to me.

    Quick research on the paint brush we want... and boom. Retired paint brush, 3 million NP.


    Okay, how many games would that take?

    3,000,000 / 3,000 = 1,000

    That is... a lot. But you can shave that down by almost 600k per month with Trudy's surprise! So it's comforting knowing that.

    But there has to be a faster way, right?? There's rare items in Neopian Shops! We can resell them!!


    Sort of... I realized that even with an internet connection that rivals NASA's, I'd never be able to compete with restockers. Some items INSTANTLY vanish and big listings lag with an intensity greater than my parents disappointment in me.

    It has to be bots. After looking into it and Googling "Neopets restock bot" - boom. First result. The competition. Our Skynet. And I'm no Arnold.

    The sadness sets in as my burnout-inducing robot overlords steal the hope, literally, from right out in front of me. Over and over again.

    My Lost Desert Paint Brush really will remain lost (for now).

    I'd love some advice from you pros out there if you have any secrets! I've been hitting the restock guides (to no avail) and going to the Mirror/regular game guides to grind (most of what they say is "easy/quick" is a flat out lie). We're making progress, but it's at a slorg's pace... What do I do?


    Robots are bullying me and I'm going to need an industrial sized box of Visine for my upcoming game-grind as a returning player. Tips?

    submitted by /u/Sotisp
    [link] [comments]

    is this... my first W?!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Did some math on the Sakhmet Solitaire high score table...

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    In Sakhmet Solitaire, your high score is cumulative; every time you complete a game, it adds to your total. I believe if you don't play the game for a certain amount of time (I think it's 3 months?) your cumulative score will be wiped. The high score table is completely dominated by people who have been building up their scores for years. So just how long would it take if you wanted to get on the high score table for this game?

    These days, I play Sakhmet Solitaire pretty infrequently. My current cumulative score is 174,690, which is a "Beginner" score according to the My Scores page. In this game, you earn 1 NP per game point, and you can earn up to 5,000 NP per day, but you can keep playing after that to increase your high score.

    So let's say I play up to that 5,000 NP limit every day. In that case, it would take...

    119 days to level up my score from Beginner. (I assume the next rank is "Intermediate"? Can't find a guide to this.)

    2.42 years to get onto the Sakhmet Solitaire high score table.

    7.76 years to get a bronze trophy.

    15 years to get a gold trophy.

    17.45 years to reach #1 on the high score table.

    AND those calculations assume that the current high score holders won't increase their scores any further... which, of course, is not the case. I'd have to monitor how much their scores increase over time in order to get a really accurate estimate. But geez, those numbers are intimidating enough already.

    So what conclusions can we draw from this?

    1. Everyone with a high score in this game plays well beyond the 5,000 NP limit every day. If you're crazy enough to try and get on the high score table, you're looking at anywhere from 2x to 10x that amount of daily play, depending on how long you're willing to stick it out.
    2. Those high score holders weren't trying to get on the high score table. No one can achieve those kinds of scores unless they are deeply, madly, hopelessly addicted to solitaire. I would LOVE to interview the person who's at #1. Their account is only seven and a half years old. They must play Sakhmet Solitaire from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep. What kind of life do they live?
    submitted by /u/myrrhx
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    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Growler: I made a video with my petpage narrated!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    signed back into neopets for the first time in over a year, i was surprised to see my twins greet me in the new beta! do you think their custom holds up or should i update them?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    this cute zap administered serotonin directly to my brain.. :D

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    My first positive RE while playing Cheat! Usually someone just steals all of my NP ��������. Remade this post so this can actually be seen �� Does anyone need this Lab Map piece? Please let me know so I can send it your way!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    ������ OH MY GOSH!!! THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZINGLY KIND + GENEROUS GIFT omg this made my entire day/week/month/year and I’m in tears thank u so much to Lindsay! I’m one step closer to having all the Baby Neopets of my dreams and I can’t thank you enough! thank u thank u!! ����������

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Well I guess the pant devil is actually quite generous,,,

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Premium Species Change

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Premium Species Change

    EDIT: Thank you to mute-owl for the awesome advice! Dream pet, with a cute name! Now she just needs a super cute background!


    submitted by /u/AJGideon
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    I love everything Pineapple...

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    So when I found out you could turn a Chia into a pineapple, I went and bought a magical chia pop. Anyone else have a Pineapple Chia?

    submitted by /u/Belleyyc
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    Best prize ever!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Woowww!! When I checked his price, he is cost 2m!!!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    does anyone have context to this image of pikachu? like what was the page about, and any accompanying text?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT

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