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    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Neopets Neopets Mobile-Friendly Beta FAQ

    Neopets Neopets Mobile-Friendly Beta FAQ

    Neopets Mobile-Friendly Beta FAQ

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Dec 31st Edit: We've updated our Guide/Userscript Repository page, so go check that out!

    What is Neopets Beta?

    If you haven't heard, support for Adobe Flash is ending on December 31st, 2020, so Neopets Beta (or Neopets mobile-friendly beta) is a new Flash-free interface. You can read more about this in this Jellyneo article and also their latest post.

    Why am I forced into using Neopets Beta?

    As mentioned in the Editorial Issue 916 + End of Flash Update video, it was mentioned that a site-wide conversion will be in effect for all players. This is Neopets now. You can read more in the release notes.

    Is there any way can I go back into the Neopets Classic?

    You can add an "x" to the end of the URL string to return to Neopets Classic (thank you /u/snikkeler_doodle), but this (and probably other variants) will probably be patched in the future.





    Where's the link to __?

    Neopets Beta does not link to most toolbar links, so you'll have to use the bookmark feature for now to save those links.








    http://www.neopets.com/customise/classic.phtml (Use Presets to switch pets if you don't want to change actives constantly)

    How do I change the Beta site theme?

    Head over to your Settings/Preferences and there should be a Beta Theme section. Not all of the site themes have been converted, but at least you can escape the default theme.

    Where can I give feedback/comments about Neopets Beta?

    The Mobile-Friendly Beta Launch NeoBoard would be cool for that.

    For any Q&A suggestions to add to the post, please post below!

    submitted by /u/Fruit_Loopita
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    Food Club Bets - January 02, 2021

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    A thread for people to casually post their bets, discuss, ask questions, etc.

    Food Club Resources

    Using Tables

    /u/diceroll123 speaking! I've made a simple userscript to turn your current bets into a formatted reddit table!

    If you have Chrome: get Tampermonkey to use it! Greasemonkey for Firefox, and I'm unsure about other browsers.

    Link for the userscript here: https://gist.github.com/diceroll123/04fb835539530038795e (Press the "Raw" button and it should ask you to add it to your collection of userscripts.)

    You'll see a button under your current bets table, click that and copy/paste here.

    shameless plug We've got a big fancy Food Club system in our Discord server, come check it out!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    three extremely lucky pound finds i wanted to share! i always dreamt of having a cybunny as a kid

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:31 AM PST

    BRB crying thanks to a kind person i now have one of my ultimate dreamies~~ good way to start the new year!!!!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:49 AM PST

    When you put a wig on your neopet

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Yeah, we're not allowed to perform in games anymore... I was so happy about my best score in this game and to collect my neopoints... I guess... screw me?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:22 AM PST

    Me: 2020 was bad, at least 2021 can't get any worse First day of 2021:

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:31 PM PST

    playing all the old games on my day off before they go like:

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    DAE else spend WAY too much time on Dress To Impress making outfits you'll never be able to afford?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    I've spent countless NP and have been stuck at a silver medal for over a decade. I was SURE that flash would end before I got gold. Then this happened today! Unless 3 people beat me by the end of the day, that gold should be mine!!!!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    Loving this update.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Just zapped my Ogrin into Water and well...I know water is transparent but....

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:35 AM PST

    30M nerkmid run with 13M profit ... ouch!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    The shop wizard

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    I REALLY hate how you can't refresh the results on the shop wizard anymore. At least before, I felt like I had a chance to get good deals on items. I figured hey, premium members get the ssw and that's okay.

    Now, it's just infuriating.It took me such a long time to just get the price of a two dubloom coin. It makes me not want to restock, which was one of my favorite ways to make np.

    I'm just hoping that it's just a bug they need to fix and not a ploy to get people to pay for premium. If it is the latter, that's a stupid plan. That makes me less likely to spend money on their game and more likely that I'm just going to quit.

    submitted by /u/UnholyPizzaParty
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    r/neopets Secret Santa 2020 On-Site Gift Exchange: Reveal Thread and Wrap-Up

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:13 PM PST

    Introduction Post - Matches Sent Out - Share Your Gifts - Last Days to Gift Reminder - Main Round Gifting is Over - Reveal Thread

    Secret Santa 2020 is officially finished!

    (And a good thing, too, because so is 2020, thank Fyora.) Main round gifting ended on December 20, and backup gifting ended yesterday on December 31. You may now feel free to discuss who your Secret Santa is/was along with what they got you in the on-site gift exchange!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the on-site exchange. For the four of us, this was our first time organizing it, and we are thrilled that things went well and that so many people said they enjoyed it.

    If things did not go well for you and you didn't get a gift (from either your main-round Santa or a backup Santa), this is your absolute last chance to let us know before we shut down the Secret Santa Discord server and never talk to each other again (just kidding, I'll still nag u/Fruit_Loopita on a daily basis). Please PM me on Reddit or DM me on Discord (EllaDixit#9400) and we'll get you a backup backup Santa.

    Secret SantART, the creative works exchange, wrapped up a few days ago, so go check it out along with the album to see the creative gifts that people made/received!

    Some Maths Nightmares:

    • We had 289 sign-ups for on-site gifting this year.
    • 6 of those were duplicate sign-ups, so that means there were really only 283 unique participants.
    • Of those, 17 were extremely generous and only wanted to gift, not receive, so ultimately that means that 266 people were matched.
    • 144 people were willing to be a backup Santa in addition to their main round matches.
    • 1 person had to drop out after matching. :( But thanks for letting us know asap!
    • We had to call on 10 backup Santas this year. Thank you to them for the quick gifting and even quicker replies!
    • 3 people mentioned Secret Santa in NMs on-site. NO THANK YOU GOOD LUCK NEOING.
    • 5 mods/former organizers/Dices/whatever were extremely helpful in offering guidance and suggestions based on experience from previous years.

    Thank you again to all on-site gifting and Secret SantART participants, and we hope to see you again for Secret Santa 2021!

    Happy New Year,

    u/thepastperfect, u/nanithefuck, u/roxychalk, u/squigeons, and u/ThisIsDivi

    submitted by /u/thepastperfect
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    An unwelcome Blumaroo breathing the 'rona all down the back of my poor Aisha's neck. Nice.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    I just finished compiling pictures of all my Neopets! I hope some of you enjoy them as much as I do! �� ��������������������☀️��������❄️��������☣️���������� ��

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:15 AM PST

    I went from 37 games played to 250 in two days... Goodbye, Flash!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:35 AM PST

    NC Game Packs Giveaway

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:59 PM PST

    Hello! Inspired by another user I've decided to do a giveaway once a month on here. This month's is today because I'm giving away Patapult, Wonderclaw, and Shenanigifts items and I want to make sure people have the time to use them before flash dies.

    Items being given away:
    8 Bigsby Shadingtons Wonderclaw Widget 1-pack
    8 Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack
    8 Patapult Patapuff 1-Pack

    5 Bigsby Shadingtons Wonderclaw Widget 5-pack
    5 Shenanigifts Invitation 5-Pack
    5 Patapult Patapuff 5-Pack

    3 Shenanigifts Invitation 10-Pack
    3 Patapult Patapuff 10-Pack
    3 Bigsby Shadingtons Wonderclaw Widget 10-pack

    1. Pick a number 1-150. I'm giving away 48 items so you have a very good chance of winning!
    2. State which one you would want to win OR rank them in order you'd want OR say any. examples, "only wonderclaw" or "patapult, wonderclaw, shenanigfts" or "shenanigifts, patapult, but plz no wonderclaw" or "all three would be okay"
    3. Say your username/say it's the one in your tag OR ask me to message you for your username if you win
    4. Entry period will close when all numbers by entrants are picked OR 6pm NST, whichever comes first. I'll start sending them out within the hour. Please make sure you are able to be sent gifts because if Neopets says you can't (I don't know if that happens with NC items??) I'm going to pick someone else to get the prize instead of you.

    1. I'm using a random number generator to pick the winners. Prizes will be won in order of 1 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack.
    2. Jellyneo suggests to "use up any remaining Wonderclaw and Patapult ticket packs you may have and wish to use before TNT revamps these features to be Flash-free." That happens on January 12th.
    3. The NC Mall does sell one-use items that enable you to collect two prizes instead of one for every Wonderclaw and Patapult game played. They cost 75NC each and you might want to consider getting one to double your haul. There are other game boosters for sale as well. These items go right to the game to use and NOT to your inventory.

    submitted by /u/NebulaMammal
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    Too soon?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:05 PM PST

    After years of trying my luck in the holiday dream pretty giveaway I decided to take the plunge and just paint her myself. So happy I love dargigan pets. Need to come up with a customisation now.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:43 PM PST

    Has anyone noticed the new Mystery Island? :o Seems like they're converting maps sooner than we expected

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    All my lab zaps in 2020

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    Has anyone else compiled a list with species and colour changes? I'm only tracking colour and species zaps but thought it would be fun to share and compare! (I got the lab map in Feb 2020 so it's technically only 11 months.)

    • Meerca
    • Shadow (Ixi)
    • Rainbow (Meerca)
    • Green (Meerca)
    • Elderly (Meerca)
    • Biscuit (Kacheek)
    • Blumaroo
    • Elephante
    • Glowing (Jubjub)
    • Relic (Poogle)
    • Halloween (Poogle)
    • Chia
    • Aubergine (Chia)
    • Robot (Xweetok)
    • Transparent (Cybunny)
    • Orange (Cybunny)
    • 8-Bit (Jubjub)
    • Ice (Cybunny)
    • Kyrii
    • Halloween (Jubjub)
    • Robot (Draik)
    • Chocolate (Jubjub)
    • Marble (Gnorbu)
    • Island (Jubjub)
    • Acara
    • Polka Dot (Jubjub)
    • Snow (Jubjub)
    • Island (Jubjub)
    • Moehog
    • Chomby
    • Striped (Poogle)
    • Spotted (Jubjub)
    • Snow (Jubjub)
    • Stealthy (Jubjub)
    • Disco (Jubjub)
    • Lutari
    submitted by /u/waning-crescent
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    me, trying to explain what i dont like about the site on desktop

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:15 AM PST

    Being Premium and a little annoyed at the beta

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST

    1. I can't scratch my Friday space faerie scratchcard.
    2. I can't see one of the premium monthly cards.
    3. Why have features games when the feature game is not in the beta yet.

    Those are the 3 annoyance I have with the premium in beta.

    submitted by /u/ChaosMind55
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